Ledesma Visitors Center is the educational interpretation center of Ledesma and the neighboring communities. In this Center you can find information about the history of the company, our main activities and our bonds with our neighbors. We also have an auditory and an area for temporary exhibitions, used for different cultural activities of the community.

The Center is open to all visitors; admission is free and included in the Yungas tourist circuit.

Educational proposal of the Center

Since its opening in 2008, Ledesma Visitors Center is implementing a training program destined to students from all educational levels. For that purpose, we have adjusted contents to the age and the particular interests of each educational institution. The museographic script of the Interpretation Center includes comprehensive and very pleasant content, enriched by a system of animated infographics and audiovisual elements that reproduces the production processes of sugar, paper, alcohol, juice and fruit business lines.

We also offer a program of special thematic discussions through an annual plan, updated every year, including the following modules:

Environment (primary and secondary school, post-secondary education and university)

Quality standards (post-secondary education and university)

Industrial safety and quality (post-secondary education and university)

Native Flora and Fauna (primary and secondary school)

Semiotic reading of Ledesma photographic archive and of the city Libertador Gral. San Martín (secondary school and post-secondary education level / special groups)

Instalación Maqueta CVL (6)

We also offer a program of special thematic discussions through an annual plan, updated every year, including the following modules:

Environment (primary and secondary school, post-secondary education and university)

Quality standards (post-secondary education and university)

Industrial safety and quality (post-secondary education and university)

Native Flora and Fauna (primary and secondary school)

Semiotic reading of Ledesma photographic archive and of the city Libertador Gral. San Martín (secondary school and post-secondary education level / special groups)



Schools in Ledesma Visitors Center

As part of a linkage program with the schools of Ledesma region, in Jujuy, we carry out an intense plan of annual objectives including teachers and students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.

Since its opening, Ledesma Visitors Center has received more than 60,000 visitors and that figure increases every year.

More than 10,000 students from educational institutions visit the Center every year, and most of them come from schools located in the province of Jujuy.

Schools in Ledesma Visitors Center

As part of a linkage program with the schools of Ledesma region, in Jujuy, we carry out an intense plan of annual objectives including teachers and students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.

Since its opening, Ledesma Visitors Center has received more than 60,000 visitors and that figure increases every year.

More than 10,000 students from educational institutions visit the Center every year, and most of them come from schools located in the province of Jujuy.

Contact information

Address: Calle Ing Luis María Blaquier N° 422 (4512) Libertador Gral San Martín-Prov de Jujuy-Argentina
Phone: 03886 429440 / 429449
Email: visitas@ledesma.com.ar

Find information about courses, news and relevant   dates: facebook.com/centrodevisitantesledesma